All About Hemp
Welcome to our hemp blog where we post all the new 8000kicks product launches and news. Here you can also find in-depth articles about our favorite fiber and its properties.

As primeiras botas de cânhamo chegaram ao Kickstarter
As primeiras botas de cânhamo chegaram ao Kickstarter

The 1st waterproof hemp boots landed on Kickstarter
The 1st waterproof hemp boots landed on Kickstarter

Essential Hemp Statistics You'll Want to Know
Hemp has been used industrially for thousands of years in the manufacturing of rope, clothing, furniture, and so many other things. It is a unique material because it’s naturally antibacterial,...

Explorer V2 eleito o melhor produto de cânhamo
A 8000Kicks orgulha-se de anunciar que ganhou o prémio internacional de produto de cânhamo do ano na feira CBD HEMP EXPO em Barcelona.

A 1ª mochila de cânhamo impermeável do mundo chega ao kickstarter!
A 1ª mochila de cânhamo impermeável do mundo chega ao kickstarter!

The 1st waterproof hemp backpacks landed on Kickstarter
The 1st waterproof hemp backpacks landed on Kickstarter

10 Best Shoes/Sneakers to Wear Without Socks in 2022
We selected the 10 best sockless shoes/sneakers for this year without having to think too much.

15 Best Slip-Resistant Work Shoes 2022 for Men and Women
Men and women like to feel comfortable on their feet on every occasion. But since we spend many hours at work, there is nothing better than a good pair of...